The Industrial Engineering major area of concentration is one of the seven major areas of the PhD in Engineering. The student must achieve a GPA separately in each of the following areas: the Industrial Engineering major area, the minor area, and the quantitative methods area Industrial Engineering Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Follow. Jump to: Theses/Dissertations from PDF. Resilience-Driven Post-Disruption Restoration of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems Under Uncertainty: Modeling, Risk-Averse Optimization, and The Ph.D. requirements consist of a minimum of 60 credit hours beyond the baccalaureate degree. Ph.D. students with a Master's degree may complete a minimum of 30 credits beyond the master’s degree including a minimum of 12 credit hours devoted to dissertation research depending on their background. Students with non-IE background may take up
PhD Dissertations | Mechanical and Industrial Engineering | University of Illinois Chicago
Resilience-Driven Post-Disruption Restoration of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems Under Uncertainty: Modeling, Risk-Averse Optimization, and Solution ApproachesBasem A. Scheduling Allocation and Inventory Replenishment Problems Under Uncertainty: Applications in Managing Electric Vehicle and Drone Battery Swap StationsAmin Asadi. A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding Emerging MarketsNamita Balani. Deployment Policies to Reliably Maintain and Phd dissertation industrial engineering Expected Coverage in a Wireless Sensor Networkphd dissertation industrial engineering, Nicholas T.
Knowledge Discovery from Complex Event Time Data with CovariatesSamira Karimi. Optimization of Vaccine Supply Chains in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Utilizing DronesMaximilian Kolter. Efficiently Estimating Survival Signature and Two-Terminal Reliability of Heterogeneous Networks through Multi-Objective OptimizationDaniel Bruno Lopes da Silva.
Quantitative Set-Based Design for Complex System DevelopmentNicholas J. Simulation Modeling of Cross-Dock and Distribution Center Based Supply ChainsGhewa Al Chall. Improvement of Geometric Quality Inspection and Process Efficiency in Additive ManufacturingYu Jin.
Study on New Sampling Plans and Optimal Integration with Proactive Maintenance in Production SystemsSinan Obaidat. Models for Data Analysis in Accelerated Reliability GrowthCesar Alexander Ruiz Torres. Locating Emergency Shelters While Incorporating Spatial FactorsJustin Taylor. Toolpath Planning Methodology for Multi-Gantry Fused Filament Fabrication 3D PrintingHieu Trung Bui. Modeling of Complex Parts for Industrial WaterJet CleaningBraden James.
Optimizing Block-Stacking Operations with RelocationHueon Lee. Probabilistic Models for Order-Picking Operations with Multiple in-the-Aisle Pick PositionsJingming Liu. Contributions of Role-Playing Games: Advantages of Incorporating Social Media in Disaster ResponseErin Mullin. Extracting Patterns in Medical Claims Data for Predicting Opioid OverdoseRyan Sanders.
Optimization Methods for Maintaining Complex SystemsKhatereh Ahadi. Collaborative Robotic Path Planning for Industrial Spraying Operations on Complex GeometriesSteven Brown, phd dissertation industrial engineering. A Multi-Objective Affinity-Based Savings Algorithm for Improving Processes in Centralized Warehousing OperationsMcKenLee M. Barge Prioritization, Assignment, and Scheduling During Inland Waterway Disruption ResponsesLiliana Delgado-Hidalgo.
Classifying Interdependencies phd dissertation industrial engineering the Food and Agriculture Critical Infrastructure SectorJohn Doerpinghaus. Modeling and Solution Approaches for Non-traditional Network Phd dissertation industrial engineering Problems with Complicating ConstraintsNegin Enayaty Ahangar.
Essays on Applications of Transportation Network Design and OptimizationAmirali Ghaharikermani. Optimal Allocation of Resources in Reliability GrowthMohammadhossein Heydari.
Quantitative Methods For Select Problems In Facility Location And Facility LogisticsBin Li. Demonstrating Set-Based Design Techniques- A UAV Case studyColin Small. Configuring Traditional Multi-Dock, Unit-Load WarehousesMahmut Tutam.
Convergent Set-Based Design in Integrated Analysis of Alternatives: Designing Engineered Resilient SystemsZephan Wright Wade. Budget-Constrained Regression Model Selection Using Mixed Integer Nonlinear ProgrammingJingying Zhang.
Methodologies for Solving Integrated Transportation and Scheduling ProblemsFereydoun Adbesh. Airport Security Investment ModelJoshua Daniel Bolton.
Decision Support System for Container Port Selection using Multiple-Objective Decision AnalysisRivelino De Icaza. Models and Methodologies to Address Emerging Needs in Network and Supply Chain OptimizationForough Enayaty Ahangar.
Systematic Review for Water Network Failure Models and CasesYufei Gao. Analyzing the Fundamental Aspects and Developing a Forecasting Model to Enhance the Student Admission and Enrollment System of MSOM ProgramSultanul Nahian Hasnat.
Simulation Modeling Approach for Evaluating a Solution Designed to Alleviate the Congestion of Passenger Flow at the Composure Area of Security CheckpointsMaria Luisa Janer Rubio. An Economic Analysis of Residential Photovoltaic Systems with and without Energy StorageRodney Moses Kizito. Service Consistency in Vehicle RoutingKunlei Lian. Essays in Measuring, Controlling, and Coordinating Supply Chain Inventory and Transportation OperationsPayam Parsa. Personalized Decision Modeling for Intervention and Prevention of CancersFan Wang.
Grouping Techniques to Manage Large-Scale Multi-Item Multi-Echelon Inventory SystemsAnvar Abaydulla. The Effect of Process Parameters and Surface Condition on Bond Strength between Additively Manufactured Components and Polymer SubstratesBharat Bhushan Chivukula.
Safety Performance Prediction of Large-Truck Drivers in the Transportation IndustryEmily Moneka Francis Xavier. Incorporating A New Class of Uncertainty in Disaster Relief Logistics PlanningEmre Kirac. Modeling Economic Impacts of the Inland Waterway Transportation SystemFurkan Oztanriseven. Risk Estimation toward a Natural History Model for Low Grade Glioma PatientsAnh Thi Hoang Pham. Essays in Physicians Preference Items and Inventory Management within the Healthcare Supply Chainphd dissertation industrial engineering, Mohammad A, phd dissertation industrial engineering.
Essays on Optimization and Modeling Methods for Reliability and Reliability GrowthThomas Paul Phd dissertation industrial engineering. Use of Response Surfaces in the Design of a Simple Step Stress Accelerated Test PlanAlexander H. A Tabu Search, Augment-Merge Heuristic to Solve the Stochastic Location Arc Routing ProblemTiffany L. Value Focused Inland Waterway Infrastructure Investment DecisionsOthman Boudhoum. Incorporating Environmental and Social Factors into Decision-making of phd dissertation industrial engineering Oil and Gas Industry to Improve SustainabilityGaurav Dabhadkar.
An Adaptive Phd dissertation industrial engineering Neighborhood Search Heuristic phd dissertation industrial engineering the Inventory Routing Problem with Time Windows phd dissertation industrial engineering, Mina Hadianniasar. Understanding Technology Diffusion and Phd dissertation industrial engineering Accessibility in the Home Healthcare IndustryMehmet Serdar Kilinç.
Creating Quality Metrics for the Capital Facilities Delivery Industryphd dissertation industrial engineering, Kelsey D. Preventive Maintenance Decision Modeling in Health and Service SystemsMahboubeh Madadi. Inventory Management and Control "For a Cause"John Michael Miller. Using the Triple Bottom Line to Select Sustainable Suppliers for a Major Oil and Gas CompanyPandarinath Adarsh Sunkari.
Modeling Expected Travel Distances for a Common Warehouse Design with Multiple DocksMahmut Tutam. A Strategic Approach to Effectively Manage Supplier Quality within the Construction IndustryRufaidah AlMaian. Robust Network Interdiction with Invisible Interdiction AssetsNail Orkun Baycik.
Poisson Distributed Individuals Control Charts with Optimal LimitsNegin Enayaty Ahangar. Large-Scale Solution Approaches for Healthcare and Supply Chain SchedulingRidvan Gedik, phd dissertation industrial engineering.
Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing for Healthcare Provider Supply Chain ProcessesMartha Isaura Gonzalez. Multistage Accelerated Reliability Growth Testing Model and Data AnalysisLeiying Jiang. Truckload Shipment Planning and ProcurementNeo Nguyen. Detailed Inventory Record Inaccuracy AnalysisHayrettin Kaan Okyay. Disruption Response Support For Inland Waterway Transportationphd dissertation industrial engineering, Jingjing Tong.
Strategic Planning Tool Development using Portfolio Decision AnalysisPhd dissertation industrial engineering B. Vargas Rojas. Patient Risk and Data Standards in Healthcare Supply ChainPaiman Farrokhvar. Surveillance Planning against Smart Insurgents in Complex TerrainNabil Lehlou. Reliability Analysis of Social NetworksKellie R. Parameterizing Analytical Models to Support an Empirically Based Warehouse Design MethodologyLisa Thomas.
Load Mixing to Improve Container UtilizationCrystal Wilson. On The Maintenance Modeling and Optimization of Repairable Systems: Two Different ScenariosSuzan Alaswad. An Economic Alternative to the c ChartRyan William Black. Modeling the Adoption of Identification Standards Within the Healthcare Supply ChainAngelica Burbano. Locating and Protecting Facilities Subject to Random Disruptions and AttacksHugh Medal. A CPFR Readiness Assessment ModelTanvir Humayun Sattar, phd dissertation industrial engineering.
Patient and Nurse Considerations in Home Health Routing with Remote Monitoring DevicesJessica Spicer. Optimization Models and Algorithms for Truckload Relay Network DesignHector Andres Vergara Arteaga. Applying Inventory Control Practices Within the Sisters of Mercy Health Care Supply ChainServer Apras. Evaluating the Capacity of a Proton Therapy FacilityRidvan Phd dissertation industrial engineering. Integrated Planning for Rural Rail TransportationJeffrey Cohan Gwaltney.
Adaptive Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Planning Optimization with Changing Tumor Geometry and Biology Enforcing Both Cumulative and Fraction Size Dose ConstraintsBehlul Saka. An Empirical Investigation of Supply Chain Excellence in HealthcareBrian Keith Smith. Inventory Models for Intermittent Highly Variable Demand and Policy Parameter Adjustments to Meet Desired Service Level RequirementsYasin Unlu.
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How To Write A Strong Research Proposal - Thesis or Dissertation
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In the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering the doctoral comprehensive exam is held in conjunction with the student’s dissertation proposal defense. This defense is of the proposed research that will be completed by the candidate in order to prepare their dissertation and constitutes the written part of the test Industrial Engineering Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Follow. Jump to: Theses/Dissertations from PDF. Resilience-Driven Post-Disruption Restoration of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems Under Uncertainty: Modeling, Risk-Averse Optimization, and The Ph.D. requirements consist of a minimum of 60 credit hours beyond the baccalaureate degree. Ph.D. students with a Master's degree may complete a minimum of 30 credits beyond the master’s degree including a minimum of 12 credit hours devoted to dissertation research depending on their background. Students with non-IE background may take up
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