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The undergraduate curriculum allows students to acquire a deep conceptual understanding of fundamental physics through its core requirements. Students then choose one of two options to complete the degree, the Flexible track or the Focus track.
Both options lead to the same degree, a Bachelor of Science in Physics. And both options are superb preparation for any student planning on applying to graduate school in Physics. Students may choose either option at any time in their undergraduate career, but many determine their choice during sophomore year in order to have enough time to craft a program that best suits their individual needs. Each option provides time for exploration through electives. The Flexible track is based on a series of rigorous courses in fundamental physics topics, and its options enable many of our students to complete second majors order proquest thesis other disciplines.
In addition, students in the Flex track complete a group of three related subjects, similar to a concentration, subject to the approval of Flex Major Coordinator Dr. Sean Robinson. This option—which includes three terms of quantum mechanics, 36 units of laboratory experience, and a thesis—constitutes strong preparation for a career in physics.
It is comprised of three required parts: specifically required subjects; restricted electives; and a research thesis. A frequent question of undergrads is whether a double major is possible with Physics.
It definitely is, and in fact the majority of our undergraduates pursue major studies in Physics and another department, or a minor, or both. Popular second order proquest thesis for our Physics students include: Mathematics, order proquest thesis, Computer Science, Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Nuclear Science and Engineering.
A second major can only be declared after three terms. Students with two majors must complete the requirements of both departments. More general information about double majoring. The Minor in Physics provides a solid foundation for the pursuit of a broad range of professional activities in science and engineering. The requirements for a minor in Physics are:. While subjects completed via transfer credit are eligible to be counted towards order proquest thesis Physics minor, at least half of your minor subjects must be MIT subjects taken while you are enrolled at MIT.
Students thinking about a minor in Physics might also consider the order proquest thesis of obtaining a second major in Physics through the Flexible option. To add a Physics minor, submit a completed Minor Application Order proquest thesis to Physics Academic Administrator Catherine Modica after obtaining the permission of your academic advisor. Note that students are required to document the completion of the minor in addition to listing the intended courses on the initial application form.
The minor in Astronomy, offered jointly with the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences EAPScovers the observational and theoretical foundations of astronomy. The minor requires a selection of seven subjects distributed among five areas:.
Four of the subjects used to satisfy the requirements for the astronomy minor may not be used to satisfy any other minor or major. For more information, contact Astronomy Minor Coordinator is Prof. Richard Binzel. Each MIT undergraduate must take two subjects within their major that have been designated order proquest thesis communications-intensive CI-M.
Students may write in teams; prepare and present oral and visual research reports for different audiences; learn audience analysis and peer review; or go through the experience of proposing, writing, and extensively revising a professional journal article. Most students complete their CI-Ms during the junior and senior year.
The Physics Department offers the following CI-Ms for both Flex and Focus students:. Petitions are approved by the MIT Subcommittee on the Communications Requirement SOCR. Students who have had the opportunity to delve deeply into an area of research over time are encouraged to write a Senior Thesis describing their work and their conclusions.
Physics Focus majors order proquest thesis write a thesis as part of their program requirements; Physics Flex majors may choose to do so. Before any of these next steps, your thesis supervisor should have read your thesis completely, provided feedback or corrections, and approved the thesis for submission.
Each year, a group of faculty members are designated as academic advisors to an incoming cohort of sophomore Physics majors. In July, rising sophomores are provided information about the available advisors and are asked to indicate their top choices, and matches are then made by the Academic Administrator.
The Physics Department awards credit for 8. No credit is given for the Physics B test or for a qualifying score on only one part of the Physics C test. Entering students may receive 8, order proquest thesis. For full details on Physics credit awarded for international exams and how to request it, see information on the website of the Office of the First Year. The Math Diagnostic Exam serves a dual purpose. In addition to providing advice for the appropriate level of Physics I for the majority of entering first-year students who must take a version of 8.
Requests for transfer credit for Physics courses taken at other institutions can be made through Physics Academic Administrator Catherine Modica. Please read our Transfer Credit page for complete details on how to apply for credit.
This page also has information on the scheduling of exams and on topics covered. All students must receive credit for 8. The sole exception to this policy is for second-semester seniors who have not yet completed either 8.
A senior who needs to complete both 8. Students can switch between 8. Instructors order proquest thesis the subject a student wishes to switch into can provide additional information on any written work to be submitted or tests to be taken to facilitate such a change, order proquest thesis.
Yes, many undergrads take graduate courses, but we take prerequisites and appropriate preparation very seriously. Whether you are taking a first-year Physics course or an advanced graduate course, order proquest thesis, we want to be sure you are set up for success.
The MISTI program is most specifically aimed towards science and technology initiatives, order proquest thesis. The Flexible Track The Flexible track is based on a series of rigorous courses in fundamental physics topics, and its options enable many of our students to complete second majors in other disciplines. The Flex track requires: 8.
Note that 8, order proquest thesis. At least one elective Physics subject beyond 8. mathematics materials science science teaching philosophy quantum physics. The Focused Track This option—which includes three terms of quantum mechanics, 36 units of laboratory experience, and a thesis—constitutes strong preparation for a career in physics.
The Focus track requires: 8. restricted electives: one subject given by the Mathematics Department beyond A thesis proposal must be submitted by Add Date of senior year, and students must register for units of 8, order proquest thesis. ThU Undergraduate Thesis in the senior year. See the Senior Thesis section below for more details. Double Major in Physics A frequent question of undergrads is whether a double major is possible with Physics. To apply for a double major: Flex majors only Email Dr.
Sean Robinson spatrick mit. eduorder proquest thesis, the Physics Flex Plan Coordinator, and make an appointment to discuss how you will meet all the requirements of the Flex major.
All Physics majors Fill out the double major petition and submit it by emailing physics-undergrad mit. edu or by delivering it to the Academic Programs Office,for a signature. After obtaining the necessary signatures, submit the signed petition to the Committee on Curricula curricula mit. edu to be processed, order proquest thesis.
Once approved, the Physics Undergraduate Program Coordinator will reach out to you with a welcome. Minor in Physics The Minor in Physics provides a solid foundation for the pursuit of a broad range of professional activities in science and engineering. The requirements for a minor in Physics are: Minor in Astronomy The minor in Astronomy, order proquest thesis, offered jointly with the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences EAPScovers the observational and theoretical foundations of astronomy.
The minor requires a selection of seven subjects distributed among five areas: Astronomy, Mathematics, and Physics Required Subjects: 8, order proquest thesis. ThU UR ThUorder proquest thesis, or Communication Requirement for the Physics Major CI-M 8 Each MIT undergraduate must take two subjects within their major that have been designated as communications-intensive CI-M. The Physics Department offers the following CI-Ms for both Order proquest thesis and Focus students: 8.
S Special Subject: Technical Communication, Scientific Judgment, order proquest thesis, and Professional Preparation pilot, spring 8. Senior Thesis Submission Dates Senior Thesis Proposal form PDF due by Add Date the term before you complete your thesis Senior Thesis Title form PDF Submission dates for academic year Candidates on September degree list: Friday, August 2, Candidates on February degree list: Friday, January 14, Candidates on June degree list: Friday, May 6, Senior Thesis Policies All students who select the Focus order proquest thesis track must write an undergraduate thesis with strong experimental, computational, or theoretical physics content.
Students who are on the Flexible track may choose to write a thesis, but are not required to, order proquest thesis. You order proquest thesis be registered for thesis units order proquest thesis. ThU in the term you plan to submit your thesis. The standard number of units is 12; a student with an unusual situation may register for 24 units but should first consult the thesis supervisor.
Within the term that you are enrolled in 8. ThU, you may not also conduct a UROP project that in any way contributes or relates to the thesis work or vice versa Order proquest thesis UROP policy. Any Physics Department faculty member or research staff person is an acceptable thesis supervisor. If you wish to complete a thesis under the supervision of an MIT professor outside the Physics Department, order proquest thesis, or a non-MIT professor, you will need a departmental faculty member as a co-supervisor.
Contact us if you believe you have an exceptional case. Requirements concerning paper, formatting, etc. are the same of requirements for Ph.
theses except the following— You do not have to include an abstract for an undergraduate thesis, although you may. Copyright ownership depends on how your research was funded and what equipment was used.
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