Nowadays, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) emerge as an active research area in which challenging topics involve energy consumption, routing algorithms, selection of sensors location according to a given premise, robustness, efficiency, and so forth. Despite the open problems in WSNs, there are already a high number of applications available. In all cases for the design of any application, one In the last few years, the exploit of ad hoc wireless networks has increased thanks to their commercial and military potential. An application of wireless ad hoc Payroll Management System in VB The Software engineering course that we took this semester placed emphasis on the paradigm of eXtreme Programming (XP) techniques No thesis is explicitly required for the Bachelor of Science degree. However, every program must include a major project experience at an advanced level, culminating in written and oral reports. The Master of Engineering degree also requires completion of 24 units of thesis credit under blogger.com Master of Engineering Program Thesis. While a
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Miriam Carlos-Mancilla, Ernesto López-Mellado, Mario Siller, " Wireless Sensor Networks Formation: Approaches and Techniques ", Journal of Sensorsvol. Nowadays, wireless sensor networks WSNs emerge as an active research area in which challenging topics involve energy consumption, routing algorithms, selection of sensors location according to a given premise, robustness, efficiency, and so forth.
Despite the open problems in WSNs, there are already a high number of applications available. In all cases for the design of any application, one of the main objectives is to keep the WSN alive and functional as long as possible.
A key factor in this is the way the network is formed. This survey presents most recent formation techniques and mechanisms for the WSNs. In this paper, the reviewed works are classified into distributed and centralized techniques. The analysis is focused on whether a single or multiple sinks are employed, nodes are static or mobile, the formation is event detection based or not, and network backbone is formed or not.
We focus on recent works and present a discussion of master thesis ad hoc networks advantages and drawbacks. Finally, the paper overviews a series of open issues which drive further research in the area. Despite the open research areas in wireless sensor networks WSNsthere are already a high number of current problems in which these networks can be applied, master thesis ad hoc networks.
Some application fields include tracking, monitoring, surveillance, building automation, military applications, and agriculture, among others. In fact, the topology is mostly defined based on the application environment and context. The sensor information is usually collected through the available gateways in a given topology.
This information is then forwarded to a leader node or to a base station known as sink. The design complexity of a WSN depends on the specific application requirements such as the number of nodes, the power consumption, the life span of the sensors, information to be sensed and its timing, geography of where the sensors are placed, the environment, and the context.
In this paper, the reviewed research works are classified into distributed and centralized techniques. In the former, master thesis ad hoc networks are autonomous and the communication is only between neighboring nodes while, for the latter, the network formation is controlled by master thesis ad hoc networks single device.
The survey is dedicated to recent works and presents a discussion of their advantages and drawbacks. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the WSN generalities master thesis ad hoc networks the way the reviewed works are classified according to several features.
Section 3 focuses on the centralized networks classification; Section 4 describes the distributed networks classification. Section 5 shows the commonly used standards and protocols for WSN. Section 6 depicts the advantages and disadvantages of the reviewed works; finally, Section 7 presents master thesis ad hoc networks concluding remarks with a series of opened questions which drive further research in the area.
Wireless sensor networks WSN are composed of a finite set of sensor devices geographically distributed in a given indoor or outdoor environment usually predefined. A WSN aims to gather environmental data and the node devices placement may be known or unknown a priori. Network nodes can have actual or logical communication with all devices; such a communication defines a topology according to the application. For instance, there can be a WSN with both types of topologies master thesis ad hoc networks the same mesh, star, etc.
However, master thesis ad hoc networks, this may not be the case for all applications. The logical topology is mainly defined based on the nodes logical role tasks, etc. It can be either ad hoc or strategy based self-organization, clustering, pheromone tracking, and so on. The strategy is defined based on the network available resources. Centralized formation techniques are suitable for networks in which the processing power capacity relies master thesis ad hoc networks on a unique device.
In such cases, this device is responsible for the processing, coordination, and management of the sensed information activities. It also forwards this data to a sink node Figure 1. The main advantages of this approach are as follows: i Centralized schemes allow more efficient energy management see Section 5.
ii Roaming is allowed inside the network. iii Network coverage analysis is simplified. iv Context information availability allows a better application design placement of nodes, application awareness, etc. In Distributed formation techniques, the information is managed by each node and decisions are locally taken and limited to its neighborhood single-hop neighbors.
The main characteristics of distributed networks include the following: i There are autonomous devices. ii Each node shares information to its neighborhood. iii It is suitable for distributed applications multiagent systems, self-organized systems, etc, master thesis ad hoc networks. iv The information is mainly forwarded to a single node. v Interconnection devices routers, bridges, etc.
are not required. vi Their flexibility allows targeting harsh environments. The complexity of the forwarding information process requires robust algorithms. The former have to assure the execution of specific tasks with comparable performance to the centralized solutions. One of the most important distributed techniques in recent years has been self-organization.
A sensor network using this strategy is able to achieve an emergent behavior in which nodes interact individually and coordinate autonomously Figure 2. The target is to achieve tasks that exceed its individual capabilities as a single node.
Examples of these techniques are found in nature insect colonies, biological cells, the flock of birds, the foraging behavior of ants, etc. The protocols intended for distributed wireless sensor networks must be able to provide efficient energy consumption considering nodes mobility, environmental noise, limited batteries, and loss of messages, among others.
This is a matter of discussion in the following section. Figure 3 shows the taxonomy of our proposed classification. It can be seen that all WSN organization techniques can be classified into one of the discussed groups: centralized or distributed.
The following sections present a further classification for each group and their associated main works. Centralized networks take directions from a unique device. This central node is responsible for providing network operation services such as node localization, event detection, and traffic routing. A suitable logical topology for this approach is a star. The centralized networks can be classified according to how the information is processed.
These groups include the following: i Single Sink. The objective of the formation strategy is to reduce the forwarding time and route the information towards a unique sink. The main drawback of single sink systems is the lack of redundancy. ii Multisink. Multiple sinks are employed for scenarios in which the previous tasks are distributed to several nodes. This is done for a number of reasons such as network density, coverage area, redundancy, distribution of traffic flows, network life span, and possible energy consumption.
iii Multiple Task Devices, master thesis ad hoc networks. Recent research works suggest the use of auxiliary network devices; these devices can be responsible for doing a specific activity inside the network such as knowing the complete environment to define a route, control of nodes movements, and definition of a target node, to improve the overall WSN application performance.
A further classification can also be made according to the dynamics of the node roles. The classes are Hierarchical NetworksStatic Networks, and Defined Operational Networks. A brief discussion of this type of networks is given below. A sensor defines priorities according to its role in the network.
Traffic forwarding nodes have a lower precedence than fully functional nodes sense, coordinate, process, master thesis ad hoc networks, and forward information. The network control is performed in a hierarchical way and is defined based on the roles. This kind of networks is usually implemented using the For instance, [ 4 ] presents a multisink environment architecture ICatchYou [ 5 ] based on the protocol It employs a multihop forwarding strategy and addresses the sensor the localization problem.
They proposed a centralized technique to guarantee high mobility between sink nodes. Self-configuration is used to find the appropriate sink for the registration process; there are some metrics used for choosing appropriate sink, how the information is gathering, and so on.
Each sensor node receives all messages directly through the sink node. They consider two scenarios; the first one is master thesis ad hoc networks closed one with obstacles and interference and the second one without obstacles or interference, master thesis ad hoc networks.
The second scenario presents best results because nodes achieved a better performance with a higher distance. In this proposal, the authors do not present final results and they do not guarantee the full functionality of the sensor in the environment, although multihop offers some advantages and it is also easier to guarantee an efficient fast handover between sink nodes.
Their algorithms are inefficient because all nodes send broadcast messages and may cause a flooding of the network. The technique can be applied to mobile scenarios, but an implementation is not reported in this paper. Besides, energy consumption or scalability is not taken into account. In this work, only the link quality is considered, which makes inefficient the decision-making for choosing a sink node. In other proposals, [ 6 ] presents a Tree-Based Routing Protocol TBRP where every node has the capability of environmental sensing and computation tasks or keeps communication with others nodes in the network.
Nodes are mobile; the node movements are defined following a target. The routing algorithm is composed of different stages: the first one is the formation of the tree by broadcast messages, the second one is collection and transmission data and is handled by TDMA schedule, and the last one considers failures, energy level, or movement of the parent node.
TBRP protocol improves the lifetime of nodes and the network by moving the nodes to the next higher level when a threshold of energy has been reached. This algorithm works in a centralized way and the energy consumption is not considered when a node sends messages. This algorithm is compared with LEACH [ 7 ] even though this algorithm does not work with tree formation and TEEN [ 8 ] protocol. This algorithm can be also classified in either Routing Networks or Tree topology based strategies.
Formation techniques under this protocol are addressed in Section 5. Usually, nodes are placed in strategic positions before the application is launched. The aim is to provide a better data collection and processing performance. Formation techniques are discussed below.
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We value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding essay writing service each and every time you place an order. We write essays, research papers, term papers, course works, reviews, theses and more, so our primary mission is to help you succeed academically In the last few years, the exploit of ad hoc wireless networks has increased thanks to their commercial and military potential. An application of wireless ad hoc Payroll Management System in VB The Software engineering course that we took this semester placed emphasis on the paradigm of eXtreme Programming (XP) techniques Nowadays, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) emerge as an active research area in which challenging topics involve energy consumption, routing algorithms, selection of sensors location according to a given premise, robustness, efficiency, and so forth. Despite the open problems in WSNs, there are already a high number of applications available. In all cases for the design of any application, one
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