PhD or HDR thesis latex template files. This page provides a Latex template, and its style and bibligoraphy files, for use in writing you PhD or research direction habilitation (HDR diploma in France) manuscripts. I orginially used this template for my PhD and recently updated it for writing my HDR. Before that, I had been looking for such templates but finally decided to make mine, using as an IITBombay PhD Thesis latex source files These files generate a template for PhD thesis of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. Master file: Reference: Reference/ t generates (Author, year) style citations and follows files. Figures: Images can be directed from this folder Many PhD students in the sciences are being encouraged to produce their PhD thesis in LATEX, partic- ularly if their work involves a lot of mathematics. This document is intended as a brief guide on how to
GitHub - guanyingc/HKU-PhD-Thesis-LaTex: Sample LaTex file for HKU PhD thesis.
This repo contains the LaTex files used for building my PhD thesis. The LaTex template is borrowed from the Cambridge University Engineering Department CUED PhD Thesis Template. Title: Single View Analysis of Non-Lambertian Objects Based on Deep Learning Author: Guanying Chen The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
A separate abstract with thesis title and author name, along with the titlepage can be generated by passing the argument abstract to the document class. The template supports PDF, DVI and PS formats.
All three formats can be generated with the provided Makefile. This build procedure uses pdflatex and will produce thesis. To produce DVI and PS versions of your document, you should run:. This will use the latex command to build the document and will produce thesis. dvithesis. ps and thesis. pdf documents. You will need psutils installed. Note : the Makefile itself is take from and maintained at here.
The class file, PhDThesisPSnPDFis based on the standard book class. a4paper default as per the University guidelines or a5paper : Paper size. This template also supports 10pt. oneside or twoside default : This is especially useful for printing double side twoside or single side. print : Supports Print and Online Version with different page margins and hyperlink styles, latex style file for phd thesis. Use print in the options to activate Print Version with appropriate margins and page layout and view styles.
Leaving the options field blank will activate Online version. custommargin : You latex style file for phd thesis alter the margin dimension for both print and online version by using the keyword custommargin in the options. Then you can define the dimensions of the margin in the preamble. tex file:. index : Including this option builds the index, which is placed at the end of the thesis.
Instructions on how to use the index can be found here. abstract : This option enables only the thesis title page and the abstract with title and author to be printed. A separate abstract with the title of the PhD and the candidate name has to be submitted to the Student Registry. This can be generated using abstract option in the document class. Ignore subsequent warnings about skipping sections if any. To generate the separate abstract and the title page, make sure the following commands are in the preamble.
PhDThesisPSnPDF currently supports two fonts Times and Latin Modern default. times : The University of Cambridge guidelines recommend using Times. Specifying times option in the document class will use mathptpx or Times font with Math Support. default empty : When no font is specified, Latin Modern is used as the default font with Math Support. customfont : Any custom font can be set in preamble by using customfont option in the document class.
Then the custom font can be loaded in preamble. tex in the line:. PhDThesisPSnPDF currently supports two styles authoryear and numbered default. Citation style has to be set. You can also specify custombib style. numbered : Default Option For numbered and sorted citation e. custombib : Define your own bibliography style in the preamble. tex file. PhDThesisPSnPDF defines 3 different page styles header and footer. The following definition is for twoside layout. default leave empty : For Page Numbers in Header Left Even, Right Odd and Chapter Name in Header Right Even and Section.
Section Name Left Odd. Blank Footer. PageStyleI : For Page Numbers in Header Left Even, Right Odd and Chapter Name next to the Page Number on Even Side Left Even. Section Number and Section Name and Page Number in Header on Odd Side Right Odd. Footer is empty. PageStyleII : Chapter Name on Even Side Left Even in Header. Section Number and Section Name in Header on Odd Side Right Odd.
Page numbering in footer. The visual style of chapter headings can be modified using the titlesec package. Edit the following lines in the preamble.
Default set as 2. Define custom caption style for figure and table caption in preamble. tex using:. The sort keys have prefix. Use a - to separate sort key from the prefixes. The standard prefixes defined in this class are:. You can change the Title of Nomenclature to Notations or Symbols in the preamble. Why is it important to follow good practices and not get killed by a Velociraptor.
To restrict the length of the figure caption in List of figures use a [short-title] and {longtitle} for the caption or the section:, latex style file for phd thesis. When including figures in your tex file, it's a good practice to size your picture depending on the page size, instead of using absolute values. In the following example 0.
Use a - to separate sort key from the prefixes, eg. The university updates its crest every now and then. You can find up-to-date logos on this page subject to change without notice.
Download and exchange the new logos with CUni. I'll try to keep the crest up to date. Preparing to submit:. Formatting styles:. Submitting the latex style file for phd thesis. pdf wc -w eg.
You can report issues at our GitHub repository. You can also mail the developer directly or contact Tim Love, CUED. The warning is because the twoside option is also defined in the class, although only the oneside option is currently used. You are either trying to use a undefined option or a non-standard option which is in the book class but not defined in the PhD Thesis Template. If it can be used it will be loaded and you will get no further warnings. If not, the option you chose is unavailable, latex style file for phd thesis.
You are trying to load an option that is not supported in the PhDThesisClass and the Book Class. Are you sure you are using the right option? Check your spelling! If you are generating a separate abstract for your thesis submission, ignore this warning and good luck with your submission. If you are compiling your thesis and latex style file for phd thesis this warning, please remove the latex style file for phd thesis abstract from the document class.
Hyperlinks doesn't seem to be working in Post-Script file, however works on DVI and PDF which is produced from the PS filepossibly viewer limitation than a code bug, latex style file for phd thesis. On older versions of dvips version 5. If you are still having issues you can run:. If you find any let me know, or even better, patch it and contribute to the development of the LaTeX Template.
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LaTeX 52 Make your own style file
, time: 21:34LaTeX Templates - Masters/Doctoral Thesis
IITBombay PhD Thesis latex source files These files generate a template for PhD thesis of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. Master file: Reference: Reference/ t generates (Author, year) style citations and follows files. Figures: Images can be directed from this folder Many PhD students in the sciences are being encouraged to produce their PhD thesis in LATEX, partic- ularly if their work involves a lot of mathematics. This document is intended as a brief guide on how to PhD or HDR thesis latex template files. This page provides a Latex template, and its style and bibligoraphy files, for use in writing you PhD or research direction habilitation (HDR diploma in France) manuscripts. I orginially used this template for my PhD and recently updated it for writing my HDR. Before that, I had been looking for such templates but finally decided to make mine, using as an
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