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Compassion essay

Compassion essay

compassion essay

The subject of compassion is critical since it helps create a good understanding and cohesion among people. It is hence timely since various religions in the world Compassion requires the following antecedents (Goetz, Keltner & Simon-Thomas, ): Someone in a situation of need that employs empathy Vocalized or apparent distress by one in need Victim of catastrophe, loss, sorrow, pain, illness, or need For compassion to occur, one or more of these elements needs to be present Sep 01,  · writers online. Compassion is the term we use for a complex emotion, that involves empathy, altruism and desire; where empathy is the ability to take the perspective of and feel the emotions of another; altruism is the kind, and selfless behavior; and desire is the strong feeling of wanting to have something, or wishing for something to happen. To be compassionate, is to have “a deep

The Power Of Compassion And Its Main Aspects: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Compassion — The Power Of Compassion And Its Main Aspects, compassion essay. Any subject. Any type of essay. Compassion is the term we use for a complex emotion, that involves empathy, altruism and desire; where empathy is the ability to take the perspective of and feel the emotions of another; altruism is the kind, and selfless behavior; and desire is the strong feeling of wanting to have something, or wishing for something to happen.

Compassion is a powerful emotion in interacting with others, compassion essay, and may be considered essential to those professions related to helping individuals heal, compassion essay. Each exercise is an opportunity to inspire a vast wellspring of self-compassion and inner joy within the seeker, compassion essay, through powerful self-learning experiences.

With compassion for self, compassion essay, and others, being compassion essay integral part of Soul Coaching, it is important to explore the many facets of the act of compassion, in order that we may understand its power to heal. Additionally, the research contained in this paper may be applied to Soul Coaching, in order that those led to this practice understand all that is involved in the compassionate exchange that facilitates successful client transformations on a soul level.

Background Many individuals have provided expansive insights into the complexity of compassion, but none more than historical and religious figures from all backgrounds and faiths. A complex topic, the meaningfulness of compassion has gained the attention of many on compassion essay path of spiritual growth, and enlightenment, thus we are provided with a rich tapestry of insight. The Holy Bible contains many versus that teach of us the sacred meaning of compassion, compassion essay.

Mystics and sages present somewhat of a different view of compassion. Caroline Myss, recognized as a modern-day mystic, looks at compassion in terms of being one of the seven graces, which have their origin in scripture. In our modern day lives, compassion is key in many caregiving professions. Healthcare, for example, relies heavily on the compassion of caregivers in the healing process.

Patients who are experiencing illnesses of all varieties, compassion essay, and on all levels of severity, compassion essay, are often vulnerable, and susceptible to the emotions of their caregivers, proving substantial need for compassionate care. Scientists have also begun to study the biological basis of compassion, compassion essay, and propose that it has positive effects on the brain. Results of 55 participants showed activation in the midbrain PAG or periaqueductal grey during the compassion induced imagery, compassion essay, that stimulated the release of the neuropeptide oxytocin, which is associated with the development of attachment bonding, caregiving of others, and pro-social behavior.

These results verify a positive physiological response during compassionate interactions. The depth of compassion essay compassion is defined can be derived by looking at views from a variety of sources including biblical references, the writings of mystical teachers, the role of compassion in healthcare, and scientific studies examining compassion. Compassion essay Biblical View of Compassion Compassion holds a powerful energy, that when activated can evoke feelings of unconditional love, understanding and acceptance.

Important religious figures throughout history have deeply contemplated the power of compassion. One such man was Jesus of Nazareth, whose teachings became the foundation of Christianity, and The Holy Bible. The Parable of the Good Samaritan, delivers a heartfelt experience-based narrative, in order that we fully compassion essay the depth, and meaning of compassion. The story begins with a Jewish traveler, who was attacked by robbers on a lonely stretch of road; stripped of his clothing, beaten, and left half-dead alongside the road.

A priest comes upon the man, and quickly passes him by. Next, a Levite discovers the man, compassion essay, and also continues on without helping him, compassion essay. Finally, a Samaritan happens upon the traveler, and even though Samaritans and Jews despise each other, the Compassion essay stops to help the injured man by showing mercy.

Immediately in this tale, our attention is drawn to the need of the man:both injured and helpless. The concept of need is an important component in the complexity of understanding compassion, as it defines both the need of the man who was injured, compassion essay, but also the need for the Samaritan to stop compassion essay help.

The relationship of the needy and the needed are formed in acts of compassion, whereby both parties are compelled to act through deep emotions. Jesus describes the potential circumstances of a calling to compassion, but also emphasizes our freedom of choice in responding to this calling. As a manifestation of love through the act of compassion, we are taught about loving others, and the importance of helping our fellow person, no matter whom they are. Myss goes on to explain, that for a very long time our culture did not support allowing the necessary time to heal the heart, nor was the need for it even recognized.

Now, as a society, we often overcompensate by failing to place appropriate time boundaries around necessary healing of the heart, and furthermore define healed only as the opposite of needy.

Indeed, in taking care and having consideration when healing our wounds, we can then be more aptly sensitive, and available to the needs of others. The graces were compassion essay to the Jewish Tree of Life as a necessary part of the characteristics that must be refined in ourselves, as they compassion essay great value to be recognized by each of us. Caroline Myss teaches us that compassion requires two parties; where the giver is able to engage in the act of compassion for others more suitably, once learning to have compassion for themselves.

We also learn that compassion is a significant grace, which we offer to others through choice, and courage. Compassion in Healthcare For those working in a healthcare related field, compassion is considered an essential emotion when caring for people. Most healthcare workers enter these positions because they have a compassionate nature, and are passionate about caring for others.

In compassion essay research paper written on compassion in palliative and supportive care, John H. Kearsley goes on to say that technological advances in medicine are taking a greater role in decision making affecting patient outcomes, and that the time has come for refocusing on whole person care, compassion essay.

Compassion in healthcare can be somewhat counterintuitive, compassion essay, with the potential of clinicians themselves experiencing either great health benefits. Although compassion may not be a comfortable response, it is inherently a most natural one. It is a feeling that is born on an intuitive level, and is fundamental to being human, and humane. The act of compassion appears in response to whole person suffering, that is suffering on all levels which include the mind, compassion essay, body and spirit, compassion essay.

One could also posit that in order to be complete in the moment, we need to be mindful. Being in the moment allows our compassion to be genuine in our engagement with others. The Neuroscience of Compassion In order to fully understand the act of compassion, we must also contemplate the role of empathy. For instance, in perceiving another compassion essay pain or distress, compassion essay, a neural response is triggered.

Therefore, compassion essay, the role of empathy is integral in the process of compassionate engagement. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, compassion essay, responsible for signaling in-between neurons in the brain, and is associated with the reward system, and subsequent happy feelings, which provides a biochemical understanding of compassionate behavior, compassion essay.

Next, participants were asked to imagine, rather than perceive, how the patient in the video was feeling, which resulted in decreased activity in the amygdala, related to revised feelings of sympathy, and compassion for the patient. These results show that humans have the ability to imagine what others are feeling, compassion essay, by putting themselves into the experiences of others, compassion essay, and it is on this level that compassion is fully appreciated.

Measurable brain activity as a result of feeling what others are feeling, shows that indeed humans experience a physiological change during feelings of compassion, compassion essay. Summary Compassion is a complex emotion that has been defined in many different contexts, which include biblical interpretations, compassion essay, mystical compassion essay, and medical findings. The emotions found in the act of compassion include sympathy, empathy, altruism and desire. When we feel compassion for another, compassion essay, we often act with little or no regard to the deep emotional impact an event may have on us, making it compassion essay selfless act.

Choosing to be compassionate towards others, allows them to retain their dignity even in the most difficult of experiences, and affects them on a soul level. Research into the study of our physiological responses during times of compassion, show neurological changes in the brain that verifies the idea that compassion compassion essay an important evolutionary process, and that indeed this powerful emotion bonds us to one another.

Compassion, as related to the practice of Soul Coaching, lays the foundation for the deep, intimate nature of the interaction between client and coach that is required in transforming the soul. Being heard, and understood; feeling loved, and cared for; and experiencing unconditional acceptance, are all part of the compassionate compassion essay that takes place.

Soul Coaching teaches us to be compassionate with ourselves, so that we fill our wells with the necessary acceptance, kindness, and love we need, in order that we can offer this compassion to others. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.

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Compassion – One of the Most Important Values: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

compassion essay

My definition of compassion is when you are willing to help another being in need without the expectation or intent to receive anything in return. I was privileged to grow up with a mother that was very compassionate and caring, and from an early age she showed me that true compassion is giving without selflessness Jan 21,  · Church Period 1B November 18, Essay on Compassion Compassion is something we all must give and receive because compassion is the one thing that makes us human. It is when somebody shows someone else that they care about them, and to stop ones suffering. In other words: love. It is not possible to have love without compassion Compassion requires the following antecedents (Goetz, Keltner & Simon-Thomas, ): Someone in a situation of need that employs empathy Vocalized or apparent distress by one in need Victim of catastrophe, loss, sorrow, pain, illness, or need For compassion to occur, one or more of these elements needs to be present

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